Dandelion Organic Infant Goods

where fresh ideas are growing

You made an excellent eco-choice with Dandelion; healthy products, environmentally friendly processes, recycled packaging, a company going Green and giving back to the community. Now what? Re-Thinking It doesn’t end here. There is SO much to learn and SO much to be done. Let’s start with… the dandelion, of course!

You gotta love the dandelion, a symbol of the sweet innocence of summer. Yet, it’s hardy and adaptable; dang, it can grow anywhere! As caretakers of our planet, we too need to adapt. We can no longer ignore the environmental crises around us. Working together, we can learn to live a more thoughtful, smarter, and healthier lifestyle. We can be hardy, we can adapt! If we each do our part, even small steps will add up; heck, it will be contagious, everyone will want to be Green!

We can learn a lot from this simple flower. In fact, we should be more like it.

Be A Dandelion…
plant the seeds of change.

Greener by the Minute

Know the code.

Not sure if its Organic produce? The trick: know what to look for. Does it have the USDA organic seal? If not, look at its PLU code.

Usually on a tag, the PLU for organic produce is 5 digits long and starts with number "9"

Organic, It’s worth It!
for more helpful Organic info!

After safety, kids products should be...

Natural & Organic
Versatile (baby to toddler)